General Q&A

Q : I want a flawless replica!

A : Our suggestion would be “Try to get the genuine watches”. There is no way high-end replica from any factories are flawless. You should start making price comparison between genuine and replica. Let’s say, you want a Audemars Piguet 15400 rose gold, price on genuine watch is around $22,000 while on high-end replica is around $400. Will you expect flawless? There is always a flaw even though only a very small one. But high-end replica is very close to genuine one, probably 90%-95%.

Q : I want a solid gold watch, can I buy one here?

A : Our suggestion would be “Try to get the genuine watches” again. Most of the high-end replica watches are only gold plated which only about 10 microns thick, and there are some factories made it thicker around 30 microns with real gold, the price will be consequently higher. But there are no any solid gold replica watches.

Q : What’s the difference in quality between genuine swiss-made replicas, Italian-made replicas, Japanese-made replicas and Chinese replicas?

A : Any site or anyone that tells you that their watches are made by Swiss watchmakers, or made in Italy, Japan or whatever they are just scamming you.

Q : There is website say that the movements of their replicas are genuine SWISS ETA. Are they for real?

A : There are only quite rare replicas made by replica factories are with genuine Swiss ETA. In fact, Most of high-end replica movements are a clone of it, called Asian ETA. You may come across a replica that features a genuine Swiss movement sometimes but even that be careful – often the movement will turn out to be a Chinese copy (which is fine if that’s what you’re paying for – in fact most of the Chinese movements are pretty much as good as the Swiss equivalent anyhow).

Q : It’s very nice I can add you by WhatsApp or Wechat and also the livechat, but sometimes I got no response. And sometimes late reply on email I sent.

A : Please kindly remember, we are in different side of our planet sometimes. Please refer to our time zone before you judge this. Our working hour is based on Chinese time zone. Sometimes we have overload emails or chats to respond as well, please be kindly patient. But one thing for sure: you will get reply for sure.

Q : Are you a scammer ? ( This is a real important question, no jokes, there are many people ask us this question)

A : But I think you are asking a wrong person! If you suspecting a thief, and ask “are you a thief?”, what do you think the answer would be? The best thing you can do is start making judgment from many aspects of the website, the profile, the updates, testimony, rep forums, people.

Payment Q&A

Q : I want to pay by Visa / Mastercard credit card but I can’t find the payment option.

A : We are not always able to accept credit card payments.

Visa, Mastercard, Amex and the main banks do not accept our products and it is very difficult to manage credit card payments.

In the past we have had to change several payment gateways to solve various payment problems (blocked accounts, frozen funds, continuous requests for documents, coverage stores, etc.).

You can check if this payment method is available at checkout.

Q : Can I pay you on arrival ?

A : We are glad to tell that we can offer COD (Cash on Delivery) service to some specific countries, please contact us see if your country is on the COD list.

Q : Why do you offer discount for Bitcoin payments?

A : Bitcoin is the most convenient way to purchase our products because credit card payment processing is very difficult and expensive.

Credit card processors working in our industry hold us up to 21% of every transaction.

On the contrary, getting Bitcoin for us is very simple and cheap because we don’t have to pay any banks and the transaction costs are generally less than a few cents.

Shipment & Handling Q&A

Q : How long it takes for you to handle my order after payment ? Can you ship it right away?

A : Normally we will need 3-5 business days to handle your order. Sometimes we have overload orders and factory is short in parts stock, and we also need time to do proper Quality Control process for each order. It will take some time, because not every piece of watch is in a perfect condition. Sometimes we need to return to the factories to replace with a good one. Please be patient, and keep in touch with us.

Q : What is the best way to deliver to my country? Because I am afraid I will face custom issue.

A : Basically you can visit our Shipping Methods page. If you have some experiences of sending replica to your country safely, just let us know how you did, and we will just follow. If you don’t have experience, we know exactly how to deliver your order safely to your country. Our shipping agent is very experienced at handling this matter.

Q : What will you declare the package ?

A : We always declare as “watch” or “timer” or “gift”, we can’t mislead the declaration or else you won’t get anything. Sometimes we put Fashion Watch, Repaired Watch, Toy Watch, etc. If you want us to declare any value (usually for experienced customers) just let us know. But if you don’t have experience, let us decide based on our experiences, usually we declare the value between $15 – $50.

Q : Do you provide any tracking numbers ?

A : Yes, we will 100% provide tracking number for every each order. However, you need to understand that sometimes we can’t give you tracking number right away after we submit your package to the shipping agent. And when you received the tracking number, sometimes it hasn’t showed up any status on the online tracking system yet, it will need 1-2 more working days especially when we submit your package on weekend.

Q : I tracked my order and it seems there is no movement / strange status / clearance event etc. What should I do?

A : DO NOT CALL DHL, EMS or any logistic company related to your shipment for any reasons. Contact us, communicate and just relax. Keep in mind, sometimes we use regular postal office to make it safe, and mostly they are very slow. Do not panic, just relax, and contact us for any matters.

Q : Is there any possibility that custom will open or check my package ?

A : That is their job to check, but again they will only do general random check from million or billion packages they received every day. Most of the time we have no problems, just don’t act to raised their suspicion. Contact us for any assistance.

Q : My package has arrives in my country, but they want me to prove the price, what should I do ? (It only happens in some countries)

A : Simply contact us for this matter, usually they need a price and payment proofs. We will provide invoice of your package with any particular match amount with your package declaration. Just be calm and do not panic.